She Left Her Crutches at the Mounting Block

A little girl named Zya was the main reason that we launched our younger kids’ group here at Hearts in Hand Horsemanship. Why? Because she is one of the most horse crazy girls that we have ever met, (besides my mom of course). It was important for my mom and i to honor and foster that fierce horse love. Our hope is that every young horseman will ultimately become the saving grace for abandoned and abused equines.
Most of the time, Zya relies on the help of her crutches to get around, though in my opinion, they certainly don’t slow her down! The minute Zya shows up to our farm, her eyes are sparkling with glee and anticipation and she comes quickly to greet our furry family members. Zya’s commitment to learn about and grow in relationship with God’s majestic equines is clear for all to see.
Some might say that Zya’s legs are a handicap for her, or an issue that makes her life more difficult. While that may be true in some regard, there is no question about it; Zya’s legs are perfect for riding horses.
The thought occurred to my mom after looking at some pictures we took of her during her first ride on Zoey. We like to start our riders bareback so that they are able to really feel and connect with the horse. This helps with bodily communication and ensures that the rider has a good seat which will enable them to balance, rather than rely on a saddle to hold them on (which it won’t). Zya has a great seat, and a big part of that, (we believe), is due to the shape and flexibility of her legs.
If there is something in your life that causes you difficulty, i challenge you to look at it through fresh eyes. See through the eyes of a ten year old girl, full of excitement, who was created perfectly, by a perfect God who knew that she would love horses.

Zya shot a bow off the back of a horse for the first time for her 11th birthday. We are so blessed to watch this little girl blossom into an accomplished young horse woman …

One Comment
Norwood Susan
Well written Reesa. This story is so inspirational. I only wish more eyes could read these stories to know there are healing programs out there for all kinds of circumstances people face. This is exactly the kind of story any parent of a young child needs to hear after they are told some devastating news by their child’s doctor. This provides real hope!
Yay y’all!
Keep up the great work!!!