What We Do
The most important thing we all can do is enter His gates with praise and thanksgiving!
“Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.” Psalm 100:1-4
Equine Services for Law Enforcement

We provide a private, confidential space for men and women in law enforcement, EMS, and the military to individually work with our horses, spend quiet time in nature, and express themselves.
Please note: We do not charge for our services to low income youth, police and military veterans.
The New York State Police local to our area have participated as mentors in our youth programs, building community together. Members of the Colonie NY police and Pittsfield MA police along with their families are active in our programs here. We believe that youth benefit from quality time spent with law enforcement professionals. By allowing the police into your home and life, it becomes very clear to the young ones that police are people too.

Our family wholeheartedly supports those who serve in local and national law enforcement. If you know of an officer, trooper or deputy who would benefit from being around our horses, please drop us a line at heartsinhandsllc@gmail.com, leave us a comment here or contact Jules on Facebook. Please invite your local police into your home and onto your farm if you feel moved to do so. Together we stand behind our front line soldiers.

Equine Services for Combat Veterans
Most of our American forces have returned home from wars with scars. We support our soldiers who have deployed to war zones by providing non-clinical equine services that allow them to unwind with our horses. If a combat veteran is in crises, we will make time to see that soldier at that moment. Let’s work together to take good care of those who have protected and served this nation. We believe just one more day can make the all difference in someone’s life.
Contact Jules if you or someone you know would like to come visit our farm, or meet us at Easton Meadows.

Youth Programs

We provide both one-on-one and group sessions for youth of all ages. Our services are free (for familes who cannot afford lessons) and $60 for 1.5 hours here on our farm (for families who can afford lessons) so that all youth who have the desire can come to know horses.
Through spending time with horses, young people are better able to understand themselves, how to relate to other people and how to relate to God. It is also our desire to help create more horse people in the world, so more horses will be taken care of in the future.

Mounted Archery Clinics

Mounted archery is exciting, combining horsemanship, balance and archery. Nothing gets more primal than riding a horse while shooting a bow and arrow! We incorporate mounted archery into our group and one-on-one sessions. We have two horses trained now for mounted archery (as time and weather permits). Check out our youtube channel to watch our progress. Here’s another video: showing our green horse Spirit learning to stand while I shoot.

We love archery! As a family, we regularly shoot compound bow 3D events in NY/VT at local archery clubs. Two of us have completed our NYS compound bow hunter safety training.

Horse and Human Relationships
We work together with you and your horse to ensure he develops excellent manners, making him safer and ensuring his future. Maintaining manners requires consistent work with the horse, which is why your training is just as important as your horse’s training. Ground work training includes round penning to join up, yielding of the hind quarters, backing up, your personal bubble, lowering the head, bending at the neck, leading without crowding, finding your horses sweet spot and basic respect at liberty and with the lead rope. We train a horse to chase us rather than catching him. Our goal is for you to be able to replicate what we do with your horse when it’s just you and your horse alone.
Please send a note to Jules on Facebook or drop us a line if you’d like to schedule a visit, or for us to visit you. Happy to discuss over the phone to find out what you would like to improve in your relationship with your horse.