About Us
We are not religious. We are not church goers nor are we affiliated with any church.
We are country people who are believers in Jesus Christ. We read the Bible daily and find great solace in knowing His lessons.
Hearts in Hand Horsemanship, LLC is a multi-generational, family based organization, co-managed by Jules and Reesa. Our motto is Faith, Family, Service.
Our mission is to provide space for people to find peace in horses and experience true healing and connection through Jesus Christ. He is the great Healer.
Jules trains sometimes dangerous horses and helps their owners learn new ways of being safe while maintaining relationships with their horses. Fees for horse training are: $60 per 1.5 hours and $20 for traveling more than 25 miles New clients are invited to schedule an initial visit with us at no charge to see the results of our style of training. Those who are working with rescued horses and limited funds are encouraged to contact Jules either here with a comment or via email. No committed owner with a rescued horse will be left behind.
Please see our “Hearts in Hand Horsemanship, LLC” Youtube channel for our homegrown training videos.
We provide equine services to children, youth at risk, military, police and first responders. We are honored to be an official “Similar Ministry” of Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch in Bend Oregon, the catalyst for our organization.
The Bible says that our Lord Jesus Christ returns on His white horse, after which we will be with Him forever. We interact and ride our horses with the prayer that we are joining His heavenly army in spirit and in our hearts.
“Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: King of Kings and Lord of Lords” (Revelations 19:11-16)
Jules Harrell
Director of Operations & Safety
Like all rescued horses in kill pens, Jules was homeless a couple of times. She is trauma-informed and at one time taught yoga for trauma to women in prison and corrections officers (outside of lock up but still in the jail) at Berkshire County House of Corrections. She taught yoga at the Hoosick Falls Mental Health Clinic for walk in patients, and served on the Board of the New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault in Albany, NY. She spent many years working in the EMS system, including CA EMT, NY EMT, NY EMT-P intern while in paramedic school at Hudson Valley Community College, and National Ski Patrol. Please visit here for more information about Jules professional career.
Jules is comfortable working with violent kill pen horses, youth, police and soldiers in crises. Whether you are a combat veteran, a bullied teen or a law enforcement professional, the peace found so easily with horses is the answer to prayers. Jules was a lonely 12 year old who found solace with her white horse, running wild and free. No bit, no shoes, no saddle. No stall for the longest time. Humans need the same feeling of freedom. Jules believes the Lord Jesus Christ is the answer to our prayers. Horses are a blessing and a bridge taking us closer to God.
Reesa Montana
Director of Communications
Reesa is Jules’ daughter. She has been passionate about helping young people since she was saved by the Lord in her early twenties. Reesa loves combining wilderness activities, free writing, farm skills and horse love to help young folks draw closer to the redeeming love of Jesus Christ. On a day to day basis, Reesa develops and manages all youth programs here. She also runs our wwoofusa.org program and manages all farm helpers. To learn more, please see Cherry Plain Sanctuary Farm. Having been through many trials in life, Reesa believes that if one person reaches out to someone who is hurting, Christ’s love can work in that persons heart, and change their world forever.
Please schedule a visit with us here on our farm. We will gladly share our techniques with you.